Religious bigots control supermarket chain
ArchaeoBob printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Sat Jan 09, 2010 at 11:49:09 AM EST
Well, they've won again.  The religious bigots have forced Publix Supermarkets into bowing to their wishes.
Publix was selling a calendar that mentioned the Islamic New Year on December 7th, instead of Pearl Harbor day (which is not a holiday).  An area dominionist radio mouthpiece by the name of Joyce Kaufman, started a protest.  Now Publix has cowed to the religious bigots and pulled the calendars.  (I'm going to contact their offices and DEMAND a couple of the calendars!)

Joyce Kaufman even said of Islam (QUOTE): "an enemy who declared war on us".

Publix includes other religious holidays on their calendar, and was trying to be inclusive of the Muslim population in the area.  I like the idea... fighting against the dominionist propaganda that "Islam = Terrorists" and recognizing that there are Muslims- PEACEFUL Muslims in this population.  (I would argue that they're the norm, and that there are more violent dominionists than there are violent Muslims!)

The dominionists don't stop and realize that their attempts to control the country and force everyone else to follow THEIR religion is just as bad, if not worse.  And, of course there is the "Army of God" and like ilk- they're just as dirty if not more than even the more militant versions of Islam.  IMO, they're far worse (and I should know because I'm a walkaway- I used to BELONG to those churches and actively supported things like steeplejacking).  They're not nice or "good" people, no matter how they'd like to portray themselves.  Even their "niceness" and "Goodness" have ulterior- and nasty- motives:  Control.  Exploitation.  Abuse.

We need to fight this sort of thing and be aware of it when it happens.  This sort of bigotry has no place in a democratic society- it's the cancer that will destroy said society if it's not cut out and eradicated. =Publix-Pulls-Calendars-After-Complaints-about-Pearl-Harbor-Day-I slamic-New-Year&tc=ar

THIS is the reason why bigotry against Muslims is suspect and why such language is wrong: protests-with-anti-islam-message/?ondntsrc=MBQ100270HTW&newsl etter=HW021810

This sounds so familiar.  Any wonder why hate crimes against Muslims (and others) are on the rise???

I also noted that this church has all the earmarks of being Dominionist.  All of the anti-Muslim (and anti-just-about-anyone) rhetoric seems to be rooted in those churches.

by ArchaeoBob on Thu Feb 18, 2010 at 06:49:54 PM EST

I don't actually care what Publix puts on a promotional calendar. I live several States away and wouldn't be shopping there anyway.

I do not wish to make light of the problems represented by fundamentalist "Christians", none of whom seem to follow the teachings of Jesus.

My problem is about your commentary on Islam.

You say there are peaceful Muslims. If that is the case, and perhaps it is, they are not following the tenets of their chosen superstition.

I've actually read Al-Qur'an.  In it Mohammed calls upon his followers to rob, rape, and murder. It promotes slavery and pederasty. Islam is most certainly about control, exploitation, abuse, and much more, pretty much all of it bad. Mohammed even offers great rewards for those who do his evil.

Though Jesus' words and actions were primarily about peace and love for one's neighbor, some manage to twist his message into hatred, a few even murder. Mohammed's words were about murder and hatred. All one need do is follow Mohammed's teachings and murder and hatred is what one will have.

If you are concerned about the madness that fundamentalist Christianity can breed you should be more than doubly concerned about the madness that fundamentalist Islam demands. Above all there is no excuse to vilify one and make excuses for the other. They are both highly dangerous forms of madness.

by Steve Bumgardner on Mon Jan 25, 2010 at 08:21:54 AM EST

In no way have I made excuses for militant Islamists.  However, they aren't the real threat in this country.  The militant "Christians" are.  You don't see Muslims in this country trying to take over and force their ideology on others (maybe in some other countries, but I'm talking about the US.)  Everywhere I turn, I encounter people trying to force their beliefs on others... all "good Christians" who would scream bloody murder if anyone did the same to them... yet we're supposed to take it with a smile because they chant "Praise Jesus"???

Jesus would be/is horrified at how His words have been twisted, and something meant to bring freedom to ordinary people instead is a vehicle to enslave them!

Don't twist my words into what they are not.  Islam is no more a religion of violence than any other.  If you read the Bible, you will encounter many horrific and wrong things.  

I also stand by my words that there are peaceful Muslims among us, and that they are the norm.  Don't buy the propaganda about Islam, especially the lies put out by the Religious Right!!!!

by ArchaeoBob on Sat Jan 30, 2010 at 04:29:41 PM EST

I've read Al-Qur'an. Clearly you have not. Mohammed specifically told his followers to kill non believers. That is not propaganda from the Religious Right, for whom I make NO excuses. It is an absolute fact. Read the book.

Have you forgotten that there used to be two large buildings in NYC that are no longer there because of Islamic extremists? They most definitely wish to force their ideology on everyone. Their "holy book" tells them to do so. They came here. That's why we have a "Ground Zero".

I've read the Bible. I got straight As back when it was actually taught, as literature, in school. Yes, there are "horrific and wrong things". The problem with your argument is that Jesus didn't tell anyone to go kill non-believers. Mohammed most certainly did. Any peaceful Muslims are not following what Al-Qur'an says. For how long?

Yes, "Christians" often do vile things. They do them, however, against the teachings of Jesus. If people can twist 'love thy neighbor" into murder how can "kill unbelievers" be twisted? Oh, that's right. Ground Zero.

I am not suggesting that you are incorrect in your assessment of the dark side of Christianity. I am saying that you are completely incorrect in your assessment of Islam.

Read Al-Qur'an, then get back with me. Until then, please stand over there. I'll be over here viewing all superstitious people with suspicion.

by Steve Bumgardner on Mon Feb 08, 2010 at 04:52:53 PM EST

I read long ago that Fundamentalism is the result when ordinary people sense/realize in their hearts that the "system" doesn't work for them and that ideology is their recourse (rather than trying to fix the system).  America is not "lilly-white" and bears some responsibility for 9/11 and much responsibility for all of the problems in the mideast- you need to study the REAL history of that region (not the P/D/F or conservative based lies).  The CIA overthrew a democratically elected government and established a dictatorship just because the DEMOCRATICALLY ELECTED president of that country wouldn't openly fight against communism... and the people suffered while the Shaw of Iran lived in sybaritic luxury.  In essence, the United States CAUSED the problems we have today with Iran.  It's the same all over the mideast... the US has gone overboard to protect corporate profits and supported abusive regimes in trying to achieve "stability" (again, the reality is just protecting corporate profits).   It's no wonder that the US is hated in many areas of the world... and that this government is KNOWN as a bully and liar EXCEPT to the people in this country.  Beacon of light for the world- NOT!!!

In essence, the rich of this country have brought about the very conditions of violence that you decry.  Yes, there is a historic element to it as well... but that ALSO goes back to the abuse of the ordinary person by the rich or powerful (and the well-documented abuses by the powerful churches in Europe).   I know that Muslims also share some blame for the situation (their religion was just as aggressive and abusive as Christianity was in those years), but for the modern situation?

Not all people have as short memories as the American public.  Read about some of the STUPID STUPID STUPID things "Christians" are doing in the mideast with the US military... those just remind the Muslims of the crusades (which were evil and can be shown to have been driven by greed couched in ideological terms!)

by ArchaeoBob on Thu Feb 11, 2010 at 09:31:56 AM EST

Take a deep breath. Exhale. Now read this slowly:

Dominionism is bad. I've never said otherwise. We agree on that point.

The US has done a lot of bad stuff. We agree on that point as well. In fact, I consider your list to be extremely light, though I do not believe that it can honorably be used to justify murder.

Absolutely nothing about any of that makes the stuff in the Koran good. It has to stand, or fall, on its own merit. If you actually take the time to read it, you'll find it falls.

Yes, Bob, dominionists are a serious problem in the US. They want to rule the world. So do the Muslim clerics in the Middle East. No dominionist, fundamentalist, or republican told me that. I read it for myself.

I still don't care what Publix does with its calendar. What I do care about is any group that wants to rule the world and is willing to lie, cheat, steal, and murder to do that. Any group. Looks to me like you're only worried about one.

by Steve Bumgardner on Thu Feb 11, 2010 at 07:11:14 PM EST

(1) don't patronize me.  I happen to know a bit more about it than you may realize.

(2) this blog is about DOMINIONISM, not about Islam.  Just as there are real Christians (although based upon my observations, they're rare), so there are also good Muslims.  The religion isn't to blame.

by ArchaeoBob on Thu Feb 11, 2010 at 08:54:07 PM EST

Of course you do, Bob.

My apologies, Bob.

What ever you say, Bob.

by Steve Bumgardner on Sun Feb 14, 2010 at 05:03:23 AM EST

IT gave me a splitting headache, and didn't seem all that different from the Old Testament (much less the preaching from the Pentecostals/Dominionists/Fundamentalists), except that you can tell that multiple authors wrote the OT (and the New!)

I don't want to hear any more demonization of the Muslims and their religion (what you say is EXACTLY what "those churches" say!)  They aren't the enemy... DOMINIONISM IS!

by ArchaeoBob on Thu Feb 11, 2010 at 09:06:27 AM EST

They have hid it better over the years, but they were the last Supermarket to be open on Sundays, and they even now have kiosks of books that are clearly Evangelizing inappropriately, as well as other points that might not be so to one less sensitive to such things than I am, but I cannot seem to go there without being annoyed by something.

I would not shop there at all except they have killed or bought off all the competition for miles around.

by FreeDem on Sat Jan 23, 2010 at 10:21:36 PM EST

I've seen much of the same in Wal Mart.  The proselytizing books are both by one of the entrances and there is a big section in the book area.  They sell clearly dominionist t-shirts and other stuff.  I WILL say that they don't allow proselytizing in the store and also don't like it when they get tracted (which has happened a couple of times- especially their "Harry Potter" and fantasy-type books).

We just checked out a newcomer to the area (based upon our experiences, Publix is a step above Wal Mart), and we were really impressed.  The "Sweetbay" store- they're checking into special-ordering foods that we can have on our diet, they stocked things we'd missed in the other stores, and their religious books display was a tiny fraction of the others.  Even though we live in the heart of Publix country, Publix seems to be the "competition" around here.

by ArchaeoBob on Sun Jan 24, 2010 at 09:07:32 PM EST

There once were 6-7 supermarket chains, within a few miles of downtown Winter Park. Today there is basicly only one. There are a few great produce spots, and specialty places like Whole Foods, and one that focuses on selling to the poor, but has few bargains, and low quallity, and there is a WalMart that is both very inconvenient and is WalMart.

Travel to another competition is a major expedition that I undertake rarely and have to get enough bargains to pay the gas and expenses, so planning and watching ads is needed. I have a decent freezer so have to buy perhaps 50-60 pounds of meat and frozen vegetables at a time to cover the trip, and still be worth the effort, so Publix still gets my small trips.

If you are in Polk County (Publix home) I don't envy you, I have visited there and even designed some machinery for them, but don't think I would live there on a bet.

by FreeDem on Sat Oct 23, 2010 at 08:01:55 PM EST

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