Question for thought and discussion
ArchaeoBob printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Mon Nov 01, 2010 at 09:51:02 AM EST
I would like to ask this question:  If you encounter someone who thinks that the Dominionists/NAR/"Religious Right" are just some backwoods hicks or a few individuals acting up- how would you respond?
Over the weekend racist graffiti was spray-painted on the road in front of our mailbox.  We were the only people in the area to experience that, and are also the only Native Americans who are open about it in the area.  When we reported it to the police, we tried to tell them that there is a long history of problems, every since I've gotten vocal and public in my opposition to dominionism (actually, every since I walked, but I didn't say that).  They insisted that it had to be kids and when I mentioned the local megachurches preaching against me by name- and harassing family members about the letters I write, they couldn't accept that a church could be involved.  They DID admit that there were "a few extremists" in this area who talked violence, but insisted that they were a few individuals who were just exercising their first amendment rights.  Both of the officers who responded had been to dominionist megachurches in the area, and called them "Crazy", but refused to believe that they could or would harass people.

I've been encountering things like the regularly-heard "But it's a CHURCH, it can't be THAT BAD!" for years now.  I probably hear that as a quote at least three or four times a year, maybe more.  I cite, I point people to the evidence, I direct people to this blog.  They reply that T2A and all of the places where the evidence exists are "Conspiracy sites" and flat refuse to consider that there is a dangerous movement in this country.  They say that our evidence is concocted or taken out of context, they refuse to believe our own personal stories of abuse and brainwashing.

I also even encounter people who insist that racism is dying out and that the Klan has not been a real presence for many years now- that bigotry is just a few individuals being stupid, and that minorities are being overly sensitive (or words to that effect).  These people seem to be just ordinary citizens, and have no clue to what is happening to people around them.

I encounter this almost every time the subject comes up - even if I'm not the one who brings up the extreme behavior or language.  I've had people bring up some public action of a dominionist that we know to be rather normal for them, but they think it is an individual who has mental illness and refuse to accept that it's what is being taught.

Our message isn't getting out.

If you encounter people like this, what would you say to try to show them that it's a movement and not just a few 'extremists" "acting up"???  How would you reply to "But it's a CHURCH, it can't be THAT BAD!"???

...but his parishioners drank the Kool-Aid.

I'm sorry about the incident - If the local megachurches are preaching against you by name, you might want to consider a lawsuit. That might escalate things, sure but things sound pretty bad already. Would said preaching fall under libel/slander statutes, do you think?

As for the police, well they're under a lot of constraints, legally (or they should be, at least.) But if they themselves admit there are people locally who advocate violence you might want to get that on record.

I'm not sure what you can do easily to convince people you're up against something real. I'll be writing about the ties between Uganda & local organizing in the US very soon, for what it's worth.

by Bruce Wilson on Tue Nov 02, 2010 at 06:38:08 AM EST

ROFLMAO!  That is an awesome reply.  I know a lot of people don't know the history of Jim Jones and his church and they would be flabbergasted to realize that he came from what is considered a more "mainstream" church in most areas, even though they are/were Pentecostal.  (I've even met 'kids' who only have a fuzzy idea of where "drink the Kool-Aid" comes from.)

This I think is one of the central issues- getting people to realize that (1) we have clear evidence backing us up, (2) we're not a bunch of conspiracy nuts, and (3) their local churches may be guilty of this stuff.  Having a reply to the "but it's a church..." and arguments like that is one clear step.

Possibly we need to come up with a set of clear speaking points.  Statements worded in such a way that it becomes clear that this is a real and pressing issue and ignoring it (or passing it off as 'conspiracy theory') is not a good idea.

The cops told me that going after the church would be a loosing proposition because it's a freedom of speech issue.  Funny how they are exercising freedom of speech when they promote violence and denigrate people, while we experience persecution if we speak out for freedom and separation of church and state.

by ArchaeoBob on Tue Nov 02, 2010 at 10:16:11 AM EST

I don't know how to convince people. Probably they're not going to be convinced. Make sure you document fully everything, and perhaps the ACLU might consider your case? If someone is preaching against you by name, can you get a tape of that? The local police probably won't be any help. You would have to get more of a high profile group to become involved.
Good luck!

by COinMS on Tue Nov 02, 2010 at 07:54:09 AM EST

And how different races of Cuckoo parasitize different species of birds, the ones that parasitize Wrens lay an egg that looks like a Wren only bigger and from the Wrens idea better than its own eggs, and the same for Thrushes and other songbirds each different , but the result is always Cuckoos, and the death of every young bird in the nest that is not a Cuckoo.  And in every case the parent bird is totally oblivious of the issue and will support, feed, and vigorously defend the Camouflaged Impostor even though if  they had a clue about the reality they would be horrified in the extreme.

This is how I differentiate Real Christians from the Real Cuckoos and points out how most large religions have their own cuckoos who look like them instead of like Christians, but on a policy basis have almost no difference, and as different from the religion they camouflage as as Domionists are from the teachings of Jesus. And like the Wrens there are many good Christians who are blind to the threat that they so vigorously defend.

Explained this way there are few but the actual Cuckoos who will not "get it", but the point needs to be made much more widely.

by FreeDem on Tue Nov 02, 2010 at 10:42:02 AM EST

'Bbut its a church it cant be bad' in the face of evidence to the contrary may involve less than optimal effectiveness of this website. ArchaeoBob noticed this response:

"They reply that T2A and all of the places where the evidence exists are "Conspiracy sites" and flat refuse to consider that there is a dangerous movement in this country."

I know you dont want to have this site flooded by dominionists or their defenders, but on the other hand you dont really have any cross examination of the things that are written here.

Some discussion with some polite give and take might improve the trust level, and decrease the opinion out there that this is just one of those "Conspiracy sites".

by TheOther on Tue Nov 02, 2010 at 01:08:21 PM EST

does indeed happen here from time to time. We have rather tense debates from time to time as well. Disagreement, within the reasonable parameters of the terms of service and the site guidelines is always welcome. Generally, however, this has never been a high comment site, so if you have comments, please make them. But we can't really control for who shows up and who does not.

by Frederick Clarkson on Tue Nov 02, 2010 at 02:27:04 PM EST

The problem is the cultural blind spot to just how evil "Christians" can be (something well known in non-Christian countries, and a heartbreaking fact).  Sadly, dominionists and their ilk have commanded the language, and a lot of people automatically assume (atheist/liberal/non-Christian/Muslim/Wiccan/you name it) equates to immoral and evil, while "Christian" is thought as always good.  The fact is, spouting "Jesus Jesus" does not mean that you're a good person, or that you're going to be moral or just.  As so many of us have seen - it very likely is going to be just the opposite.

As far as "Cross Examination", I've seen what happens when dominionists are allowed onto a blog.  They destroy it.  ALWAYS.  Either literally or by steeplejacking it.  

There is discussion and even arguments on this blog.  We don't agree on some things.  We all do agree that dominionism must be stopped from destroying this country, and the stated purpose of this blog is working together to expose and resist them.  There are some rules and they have served well to keep this blog from suffering the fate of others I've been on.  Those rules should not be lightened to provide some sort of "balance".

by ArchaeoBob on Tue Nov 02, 2010 at 11:06:14 PM EST

Even in the most Dominionist church they consider themselves to have their disagreements, but only within the most narrow confines. This means that they dont really allow discussion.  

Well, people are allowed to have their churches (and their websites) however they wish. Churches have something like a "terms of service' restriction and dont appreciate when people try to go beyond that.

Even the most open church will not allow all forms of disagreement to be expressed at all times. It would be impossible to function. I grant that.

The stated purpose of this website is to 'expose and resist', and ArchaeoBob expresses that it cannot function if close questioning is permitted.

The problem is still one of function. If you need a place to meet that is your own, with no need for iron to sharpen your iron, then this website functions well. However, if you want to convince others, the current set up might not be optimal for that function. A closed system might keep the believers happy, but it doesnt reach out very well. Because nothing convinces better than an open, polite, frank discussion.

I appreciate your problem of maintaining order and control, but i also appreciate why many people wouldnt trust your website and want to label it a 'Conspiracy website'.

I dont know how you can gain wider appeal without losing the safe meeting place that you currently have.


by TheOther on Thu Nov 04, 2010 at 09:29:16 AM EST

For one thing:

"Even the most open church will not allow all forms of disagreement to be expressed at all times. It would be impossible to function. I grant that."

There are churches where said disagreement is allowed, but they're run democratically and tolerance and acceptance are the bywords.  You have the right to air your differences, and I've seen some pretty strong arguments in the church.  Yeah, there are times where disagreements would not be aired (because there are times and places for that), but it's completely different from other churches I've been in - where most of the time you have to follow the party line (or be thrown out).

What isn't permitted in those churches is trying to force one's views or ideology on another.  Nothing will get you out on your ear faster than that.  The churches work well, and they are havens for people who have had their souls/minds/personhood wrecked by the Pentecostals/Dominionists/Fundamentalists.  Their structure and few strong rules (forcing of religion on another isn't allowed for instance) protects us from the people who harmed us in the first place, and keeps the church as a safe haven.  I haven't seen this function in any other church, and that's partially because they aren't aware of the danger (or don't care).

I might add that even a Pentecostal or Fundamentalist would be welcome, as long as they didn't try to force their ideology on the rest of us.  Sadly, that usually is the case.  In a few instances, they leave their former ideologies and are now long-time members of the church.

This is a relatively open blog in many ways, but there are things that are not allowed.  Openly supporting and defending the dominionists and their actions is one of them.  Supporting and defending or arguing their hot-button issues is another.  We are progressive and that's not going to change.  We oppose dominionism and that's not going to change.

I might add that from what I've read, the dominionist websites are at least a thousand times more strict than this one, and highly intolerant of anyone who doesn't pass muster.  I've heard of non-dominionists going to websites and when the people there just suspected that they haven't drunk the Kool-Aid, they threw them out and banned them.  Either you're one of them or you're out - and as some of us can testify, that is what they seek (and have done) in "real life" (as in trying to drive people out of their homes and neighborhoods, and harassing anyone who doesn't support their causes and actions).

I don't know you from Adam, but the very fact that you're here arguing for 'opening up' this blog to dominionists and discussion of their hot-button manipulation topics is in itself testimony that we're not closed to disagreement or discussion, UNLIKE THE DOMINIONISTS.  And we have valid reasons for the strong rules- again, the dominionists would destroy this blog if they could, and weakening the rules (and the enforcement of those rules) is what keeps this blog from being destroyed.  (I repeat- I've seen it happen before.)

(BTW- it seems to me that every once in a while we have someone who comes in here and tries to get us to lower our standards, so they can argue the 'hot button' topics and so on.  They invariably leave in frustration because they don't get their way.  I suspect that all of them were dominionist trolls whose goal was to try to destroy this blog.)

by ArchaeoBob on Thu Nov 04, 2010 at 11:06:35 AM EST

The topic of this thread is how to answer people who say "But it's a CHURCH, it can't be THAT BAD!" or something along those lines.  The thread topic is NOT "lowering standards to allow arguing the topics that are accepted as fact on this blog".

by ArchaeoBob on Thu Nov 04, 2010 at 11:11:17 AM EST

People will try to stick nasty labels on this site no matter what our terms of service and site guidelines may be.  We are unconcerned and undeterred. We have addressed attacks on the integrity of the site from time to time, but mostly we ignore such distractions.

And by the way, the terms of service and site guidelines are not up for debate, and you are venturing into concern trolling.

"Remember that the statement of purpose and guidelines, and the decisions of the site owners, administrators or moderators are not up for discussion and debate on the site..."

Please stick to the subject, which is generally the religious right and what to do about it. If you have anything to say about those things, please do.

by Frederick Clarkson on Fri Nov 05, 2010 at 02:08:24 PM EST

If people dismiss Talk To Action as a "conspiracy site," I would suggest that you put together your own collection of the most dramatic primary source material you can find (e.g. mass media accounts of harassment by dominionist groups, plus statements by megachurch pastors and other NAR leaders themselves bragging about driving "witches" out of town) and refer people to that instead.  Then, refer people to Talk to Action for more information and updates only AFTER you've convinced them there is a problem.

As for the cops, I suspect there may be more going on than just simple disbelief.

The cops may be reluctant to investigate a church because the church may be politically connected.

Also, you may be up against a genuine First Amendment issue here.  Legally, cops are not supposed to begin any criminal investigation of any person or group based merely that person's stated beliefs -- even if those beliefs are decidedly antisocial.

I once ran into this roadblock in an entirely different context.  Back in 2003 or 2004, some friends and I happened to run into what appeared to be a child sex ring online.  When I called the FBI to report them, I had a hard time convincing the people at the FBI that I had good evidence that these people were committing actual crimes, as distinct from merely ADVOCATING pedophilia.  I was told that they are not allowed to investigate people merely because of what they advocate.

Obviously, this limits the ability of police departments and the FBI to investigate hate groups.  For that reason, most investigations of hate groups are done NOT by law enforcement agencies, but by private watch dog groups such as the ADL and the Southern Poverty Law Center, who then report to the police and/or FBI any solid evidence they encounter regarding hate crimes.

For this reason, I would suggest that you contact various anti-hate-crime watchdog groups, NOT the ACLU.  The ACLU does excellent work, but their mission is to stop cops from overstepping their constitutional bounds, NOT to encourage cops to be more aggressive about fighting crime of any kind.  So the ACLU will NOT be on your side in this particular issue.

by Diane Vera on Thu Nov 18, 2010 at 08:39:43 AM EST

If I could find that information without having to spend hours reading and compiling, I would be absolutely delighted.  Right now, I've got too many pans on the stove and even just plain blogging/commenting is somewhat deleterious and a bit of a distraction.

It's a fantastic idea.  In fact, it would make for a really effective online tool if there were such a webpage, that has just the evidence (and properly cited) - but without commentary.

(That would eliminate the "conspiracy site" claims that T2A regularly gets when I refer to articles here.)

by ArchaeoBob on Thu Nov 18, 2010 at 10:23:45 AM EST

I really don't have much of an answer for you. Just continue your education of the subject. otherwise they seem to be well hidden predators using our freedoms against us. It is difficult indeed to fight against this. You sound like you are outnumbered in enemy territory with no real help. My first thought is for you to move. It is difficult and in this economy impossible. I would recommend circumspection and vigilance considering your location. Semper vigilis

by Nightgaunt on Mon Dec 20, 2010 at 02:25:57 AM EST

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