National Guard Patriot Academy Partners with Liberty University
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Thu Jun 03, 2010 at 06:24:02 PM EST
I live in Arkansas, and there is an Air Force base near Little Rock, with a strong National Guard presence. I was snacking at the food court in McCain Mall near the base, and heard an interesting conversation in the booth behind me. An NCO from the Guard was talking about the "Patriot Academy", a new initiative the Guard has for helping motivated high school dropouts get their diplomas and join the Guard. "Nice recruiting tactic," I thought, being a former Army recruiter, myself.
The NCO went on about this place being sort of a "military academy" with military training as well as academic training leading to a high school diploma - not "just" a GED. He really got my attention when he mentioned that the diploma came from Liberty University! So I came home and did a little research.
According to the Patriot Academy website
"The National Guard Patriot Academy is a pilot program of the National Guard Bureau that gives qualified high school dropouts the opportunity to join the National Guard, earn their high school diploma, and give back to the community."
There is nothing on their website that links them to Liberty University. The only hint of religion comes from a blip about the students shouting "God bless the Guard", and a photo of a total immersion baptism (in uniform) in the photo gallery.
A little more digging turned up this statement in a military PAO release:
"While at the academy, the student-Soldiers receive a nationally-accredited diploma through online courses offered through Liberty University."
From a local paper, The Batesville (IN) Herald-Tribune:
The pupils “work through Liberty University in a Web-based environment to build a personal academic plan and complete courses in English, social studies, math and science requirements. Soldiers/students utilize the Federal Tuition Assistance Program for enrollment into the degree program.”
...[Patriot Academy deputy commandant Maj. Charles] Nesloney reveals some of the advantages of the program: “Class schedules are tailored for each student, allowing them to complete required classes they need to graduate based on what they need to complete at the time they dropped out of school. “High school senior level courses will also be accepted as college credit, allowing ... graduates to get a head start on college .... students who complete their high school diploma requirements are encouraged to enroll in online college courses to begin their bachelor degree program.” [This double credit feature is evidently a hallmark of Liberty's online academy.]
Says the AUSA:
Five other buildings on the site house the Patriot Academy where 48 students are working on their high school diplomas through Liberty University in Lynchburg, Va. "It’s AIT" for them, Staggs said. "We expect 250 in the next cycle." Staggs said that other states are watching how the program in Indiana develops.
Liberty University is keeping a low profile about the connection, evidently, but did receive an award for their collaboration at their annual military week, according to their website. Of course, they are making money, as the students are paying for the tuition with taxpayers' money through the Tuition Assistance program. (Liberty's going rate is $495 per credit) As to the education they are receiving, Liberty University states that its online high school curriculum
...offers a wide range of high school courses in a variety of formats, designed to help your student achieve academic success and prepare them for higher education. Students study core subjects, including language arts, mathematics, history, and science, and choose from an ever-growing variety of electives* including Bible and Spanish. Program benefits include:

  • Customized learning plans to meet your student's educational needs.
  • Structured yet flexible program.
  • Flexible enrollment allows students to enroll any time throughout the year.
  • Around-the-clock access to curriculum and grades.
  • Academic, administrative and technical support.
  • Certified teachers and responsive staff.
  • Proven curriculum taught from a biblical perspective. [italics mine]
The curriculum and course materials provided by LUOA are intended to support instruction that affirms Christian truth; the belief that we live in a created universe where all truth emanates from God as a guide for life (Nehemiah 9:6). Knowledge is presented as being both discovered and revealed, and the Bible is presented as the inspired, inerrant word of God and the sole Authority for faith and practice (2 Timothy 3:16).

Course materials teach that mankind is specially created in God’s image and that man’s sub-creative imagination and powers are inherent from that creation. The reality of evil and the fallen or sinful nature of man are presented in concordance with the belief that one can only receive personal salvation through belief in Christ, and Him alone.
Although the Patriot Academy website talks about the military training, they do not discuss the academic training other than to state that it is tailored to the needs of each student. I would love to see exactly what the coursework looks like, but I seriously doubt that it is free of the religious aspects stated above. There are many accredited online high schools granting a recognized high school diploma at similar - or even lesser - cost, and without any religious trappings at all. That the National Guard has chosen to use Liberty only indicates to me the depth of the collusion between the military establishment and the Dominionist right wing of Christianity. Scary.

Thanks for posting this!  

by Rachel Tabachnick on Fri Jun 04, 2010 at 12:40:40 PM EST

These people have flat out lied about how Liberty University was chosen to be the provider of the online academic materials. They also claim that the Liberty materials they use are not religious. I will be writing about this at some point, but we've had so many other big stories lately that I just haven't been able to get to this one yet.

by Chris Rodda on Fri Jun 04, 2010 at 12:58:49 PM EST
My little piece will, hopefully, make a nice appetizer! When I came here and searched, and saw nothing about it, I decided that it was too interesting not to blog.

I'm a veteran, myself, and the Army I remember was not like the military of today. The chapel was an important social center - especially overseas - and we had off post Pentecostal groups like the Christian Servicemen's Center, but the pushing of religion was absent - or very low-key. I find the current trend very, very upsetting.

I fully understand and appreciate the vulnerability of recruits in an intensive training environment to the power of suggestion. And this "academy" goes on for nine months - far longer than most military training events. (Basic training is only 8 weeks in the Army.) Given relative social isolation, rigid rules, and a schedule that leads to exhaustion, recruits are extremely susceptible to suggestion, and open to anything that provides some sort of emotional/psychological relief.

The young men (to date, women have not been admitted) are carefully chosen, and are not "at-risk" youth. These are smart kids, in military recruiter terms, Category I's, with ASVAB scores of 50 or above, that only lack the diploma. These are kids who have leadership potential, and if carefully groomed, will take an important role in spreading the "Word" in the military. They are also under 20 and unencumbered by family, so they are not old enough to question, nor distracted by practical matters. It's almost like a priesthood.

As a side note, the military doesn't really differentiate between having a GED and having a diploma, so this is just a psychological thing they are using to hype the kids.

I would be very interested in learning how Liberty was chosen, and also in what the lesson materials contain. I seriously doubt that the lesson materials have been scrubbed of all religious references.

I follow all of your articles, Chris, and deeply respect your scholarship. I will definitely await the unfolding of this story with great anticipation.

by phatkhat on Sat Jun 05, 2010 at 12:45:02 PM EST

Yes, thanks for posting this, it is well written and quite interesting. As a former recruiter, can you speculate on what these dominionists in the military are trying to do? Do you think they are really trying to take over the U.S. Military? And if so, for what reason? Do you think it is possible? Sorry for all the questions but it seems to be a serious problem that not too many people are taking seriously.

by COinMS on Mon Jun 07, 2010 at 10:55:19 AM EST
since I was a recruiter! But I'm still interested in military issues, and in marketing/recruitment.

However, I don't think one has to be a veteran to be concerned with the direction that much of the military leadership today is taking. And yes, I do think that the dominionists are trying to take over the military, as they are trying to take over as many sectors as they can.

My personal view is that they have some idea about "God's Army" (and Marines, Navy, Air Force and Coast Guard) for real. They see everything as good or evil, black or white, and this polarized view no doubt makes the potential for a real shooting war well within the realm of possibility for them. When God is on your side, or "Gott mit uns", it is no longer about secular politics, but about winning the world for God. And his personal interpreters here on earth, of course.

I would like to believe that it is not possible, but I am not convinced.

by phatkhat on Wed Jun 09, 2010 at 12:12:29 AM EST

This is not the first time I am reading about this academy. I previously read about it on https:/ The work that they do is very appreciable, I like it.

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