Franklin Graham encouraging the worst.
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Thu Mar 10, 2011 at 10:23:20 AM EST
Franklin Graham spoke at the Assemblies of God "University" here yesterday and encouraged people to be offensive in God's name.
That's the gist of what he said.  

According to the Lakeland Ledger article, Graham said "Christian leaders shouldn't worry about being politically correct or offending others when it comes to espousing their beliefs."  Then the article goes on to quote him as saying

"Our world needs leadership," said Graham, the son of famous evangelist Billy Graham, during Southeastern's fifth annual National Leadership Forum. "You want to be a leader? You just take God's word and apply it to your life and live it every day."

How offensive does this jackass want people to be?  It used to be that half of the time that I went out of my home, I would get proselytized or have to listen to dominionist-cr*p rants, and based upon the last few months, it's increased to closer to 75% of the time.  My father-in-law and I went to a model airplane airshow last weekend, and were forced to move because of the LOUD offensive (political) rant* by two people sitting next to us (my father-in-law was offended as much as I was, and he usually doesn't express himself!!!).  I go to the store, I get hit with "Have a JEEZUHS FILLED DAY!!!" and things like that - from the cashiers!  If I even step outside our door, our young-earth creationist neighbors are likely to begin ranting (or were - when they learned I'd taught evolution, they stopped talking to us after a major explosion).  The only safe places to go are our UU church (where people who force their religion on others are stopped), my school, and my father-in-law's house (and sometimes he even talks rather conservative).  Steeplejacking of churches - that's an offensive behavior.  I've personally witnessed dominionists taking over funerals and preaching hellfire and damnation sermons (and been told of other examples including near fistfights between the officiant and the invaders).  That is VERY offensive.  They even try to take over radio frequencies - I've been driven off of repeaters because of proselytizers, and when I complained to the organization was told "It's a free country and you can turn off your radio."

They want their people to be more offensive towards the Other (I and most of my friends are in that category), but at the same time, if you offend them, they can be violent and dangerous.  They burned my electronics workshop, (we believe they) killed some of our kitties, spraypainted racist graffiti on our driveway, preached against me by name in the local megachurches, have been caught sneaking into our yard (supposedly to leave tracts on our car, but their hands were oily), and recently someone broke off the amateur radio antenna on my car (and vanished with the broken-off part).  They've torched other people's homes and killed other people's pets too.  (Links: 1 2 3 4  thanks to dogemperor!)

Note that these links mainly refer to one incident.   Over the last few years, I've heard and read of other violent responses by Pentecostals/Dominionists/Fundamentalists to people that they found offensive.  They're DANGEROUS and increasing in VIOLENCE, folks!!!  Franklin's speech is only going to fan the flames!!!

The things I did to offend them?  I said that you can accept evolution as fact and still be Christian.  I denouncing the falsehoods that come from the dominionist pulpits (like the false history they try to teach).  I regularly speak out for the poor and homeless, and against racism.  These are the very things that I believe Jesus himself would have done, especially advocating for the poor and disenfranchised.  

They prattle about obedience to God, but isn't God the God of TRUTH???  What about the "Golden Rule" - do unto others as you would have them do unto you?  Doesn't Jesus' own words have any meaning to them?

What about the scriptural strictures against giving offense?  (1 Cor 10, especially towards the end of the chapter).  I think that other examples could be found, and I DO know that the early Saints/Bishops often had to tell the churches to not be offensive (I remember reading that Saint Clement rebuked the Christians for insisting on the Christian version of creation, but I don't remember the source).

*- I think they were trying to proselytize in a political sense.  They were obvious members of the Tea Party.  We've encountered the "public prayer that is actually a sermon" and the "conversation meant to push Jeezuhs on everyone" many times, and I think this was the political version of that.

I notice this more and more with the generation following Billy Graham, George Bush, and several other sons of this generation. It appears OK to treat with disrespect female leaders or feminists and play pranks on them; why are these women different inherently than the wives and daughters of themselves? Can these people imagine their Lord playing bawdy pranks on the women he encountered because they didn't behave in all ways as he would have liked? That's not what I've read about him.

by sylslater on Sat Mar 12, 2011 at 09:41:31 AM EST

...he says about the terrorizing people in a single town.  It sounds absurd to a lot of people, but I've experienced very similar things.  Dominionists do actively engage in black operation kinds of tactics with people who have repeatedly refused their advances.

by OldChaosoftheSun on Mon Mar 14, 2011 at 02:29:05 PM EST

Three years ago, an EF4 tornado roared through Arkansas, killing over a dozen people and destroying lives and homes over a 123 mile track. It was the longest tracked tornado in Arkansas history, and the destruction led GWB to immediately declare a disaster.

Our home was one of those destroyed, and we were among those seeking whatever help we could get from disaster relief. Among the organizations who came in was FG's Samaritan's Purse. They were set up next to FEMA.

While dealing with FEMA, I got to observe the activities next door. Now, there were many religious organizations, from the Buddhists to the Catholics, and most gave assistance just for the asking - the Buddhists being the most generous. The Samaritan's Purse people wouldn't give any help at all until they prayed with you, and if you didn't give your life to Jesus, you weren't worthy of help. Erm... I don't recall the Good Samaritan proselytizing. Funny they should take that name.

We never asked them for help, either. We were prayed over by a lot of people, but none of them demanded any religious conversions in return for their help. I just think this is a typical kind of behavior from that flavor of "Christianity", and it is pretty sad.

by phatkhat on Tue Mar 15, 2011 at 12:50:43 PM EST
Groups like that pulled a lot of really nasty stunts during Katrina.  Dogemperor wrote a list of good and bad charities.

by ArchaeoBob on Tue Mar 15, 2011 at 01:03:27 PM EST
Parent we do when these people take up arms against their countrymen?  What if they've conquered the military deeper than we believe?

by OldChaosoftheSun on Sun Mar 20, 2011 at 04:58:06 AM EST
I fear them trying to force their beliefs and practices on the rest of us.  They, as many of us know, are very likely to use violence if they are allowed to get that far.

If they get to that point, they will also start forcing their ideas about our lives on us.  This is what really scares me, because I experienced it, and several of my friends among the walkaway community have also gone through the abusive micromanaging of people's lives such as I've experienced:

When I was a Pentecostal, some of them got it in their heads that "God meant for you to be single all of your life".  I had to leave the church before I could even consider a relationship (I found out they were blocking any dating I tried to do), and some of the so-called "ex-pentecostals" who were in the Episcopal church I fled to weren't exactly happy that I met and married my wife and were openly forecasting a divorce before we even married (we've been married 28 years now).  A few years after I'd walked (and after we'd met and gotten married) they were still trying to mess with our marriage - tried to separate us (stated reason: we had a "family spirit" that had to be broken and exorcised).

They're bad about that sort of thing - forcing people who would rather remain single into marriage and vice versa.  Forcing intelligent people into brainless "junk" jobs.   Telling people what sort of jobs they should have - and often the job is something the person doesn't want or even like to do.  In other words, really screwing with people's lives based upon some sort of religious formula.  One of my friends says that they do that because when you're miserable, you're easier to control and manipulate.

Another friend (retired military) says that most service people will do their jobs when pushed, and would not go along with the dictates of the dominionists.  I hope he's right, but I think otherwise because of the things I've recently read.  We need to catch the problem before it grows to the point of civil war, and waken the public to what is going on.

(The webinar being put on by Leah Burton will be a good tool for helping to wake up people, and should be advertised widely.  Links can be found at .)

by ArchaeoBob on Sun Mar 20, 2011 at 02:07:19 PM EST

Well, one wonders just how far Master Graham is willing to go in his "offensiveness-for-god-crusade".
"Mr. Crusade, Jr." and his ilk (including their theological cousins in Rome and Byzantium) seem to long for the good ol' days; hence, pushing political envelopes.
Either that, or they're just craving more attention; we all know how narcissistic and emotionally needy theists are!

But there are nearly as many ideas and perceptions (mostly subjective) of what qualifies as "offensive" as there are easily-offended people.
I am not easily offended when it comes to freedom of expression, speech, or words, in general.

Regarding increased violence - I believe some of these nut-jobs would (will?) try it when obnoxious and toxic rhetoric fails (it will -- look at all census and poll data showing a consistent decrease in religiosity worldwide).
But that sort of behavior would be crushed by civil authority because it would be bad for "order" which, in turn, would be bad for business.
And this country is nothing if not all about business, eh?

However, willfully practicing poor hygiene is, frankly, more than this atheist could bear!
So as long as the heir apparent to the throne of Protestant Putzery and Taxfree Profit doesn't start a Pig Pens for Jesus campaign,
I suppose I'll smile politely and ask them to kindly pray to make my dick six feet long so that they could please give me a few yanks from across the table!
Yes, I'm not exactly ready for the diplomatic corp.

by ReneEpicurus on Sat Mar 12, 2011 at 07:14:38 PM EST

I read an email interview with Billy Graham recently.  He's in his 90's, and bedridden.  When asked, "What is your biggest regret?"  He said, "If I could do it over again, I would have stayed away from politics."

by AspieChristian on Mon Mar 28, 2011 at 12:23:16 AM EST

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