A Christian who Fears the Tea Party
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Fri Aug 26, 2011 at 11:45:44 AM EST
     I am a strong evangelical believer.  But I have a deep fear of the Far Right.  For years, some of us have watch bits of it coalesce.  
     This is not the evangelical Christian faith I know. It pulls a verse here or there to back up its positions, but rarely is the whole rationale consistent with the biblical context, even within, say, one chapter.  Its eschatology (study of the end times,) is badly messed up. 
     Abortion and homosexuality are hot button issues.  So the Far Right is using them to pump up the troops.  Many of those troops would scarcely believe it, if told them what they are actually advocating.  
      I don't condemn the Far Right Christians.  They are my brothers and sisters in faith, but they are badly, badly wrong, perhaps fatally wrong. 

     Finding you is like a drink of fresh water.  Don't get me wrong, I am not a child of the Enlightenment.  I am a Christian.  I follow in the footsteps of Luther, Calvin and John Knox, pillars of Reformed Theology. 
     The Far Right is wrong not by any yardstick from the intellectual world.  They are wrong because they are not consistent with their own Scriptures and their own theology.  They have lost their faith or have, perhaps, tucked it away in a corner to go on this grand adventure.  Climbing seven mountains is exciting.  No, they are tragic figures.
     I have roughly the equivalent of a year of seminary.  So does my brother who lives nearby.  We talk about these things all the time and he catches me up on things, as I do to him. 
     I am also in close touch with two other people.  One is a former evangelical missionary, forced out when the spouse wanted to move the gay partner into a maison a trois.  The other is a prominent pastor, who for various reasons, was largely ignorant until recently of this fetid mess underground. 
     They are feeding me what they find. We would all be happy to see the number of abortions drop by 95% -- by choice.  We wish no one were homosexual and would probably recommend a life of total abstinence for them.  (Incidentally, I have lived a life to total abstinence for almost 70 years.  I know how tough it is.  But I also know its rewards.)  
     But those are issues of morality again and I want to move on.  The Christian concept of righteous behavior is that it flows from a heart grateful to God for His grace through redemption. 
     How could the Far Right, if they ever set up their theocracy, expect an unbeliever to hold to that same high standard of morality without that divine grace to support him or her, especially in times of crisis?  A theocracy will fill the prisons very fast.  Without Christian grace people cannot keep the theocratic law.  How can so many Christians not know that?  
     Also, the one thing that makes the arrival of a new believer meaningful to God is that it is voluntary.  Coersion makes automatons, not Christians.  C. S. Lewis, a scholar and don at Oxford and Cambridge, in his still timely little book Mere Christianity makes this point very effectively.
     All four of us in my little circle believe these things and all four find the Far Right or Tea Pary truly frightening.  In that we have common cause.  We also believe we can contribute a perspective which goes beyond the two 'big moral issues'.  In fact, to us the biggest moral issue is pride in all its forms. 
     It is hard not to wonder how many of these Tea Party good folks are unknowingly on an ego-trip?  Big rallies are fun!  Being with people just as upset as you is fun!  But under the fun is a lot of anger and pride, some of it even in the form of megolomania.
     To a Christian, the answer is to know one's Bible well enough to start building a framework, which we call theology.  That is like a fence protecting the edge of a steep cliff.  With the sturdy fence in place, it is safe to go and look over the edge to enjoy the view.  With no fence, better stay pretty far back.  I think the real Christians on the Far Right got too comfortable on an unprotected brink and are falling to their deaths. 
     So those individuals and churches which know at least the basics of one of the two structural frameworks in the church universal -- the Catholic's Thomas Aquina or the Protestant's Reformed Theology have the protective fence, which gives a great deal of freedom in exploring all sorts of ideas.
     I would love to get in touch with other evangelicals who share this vision as time goes by.
     Also, I understand where you good humanists are coming from.  I am not here to argue with you.  You have taught me my science, math and logic.  And very much to your credit, you are the ones who are sounding the alarm bell loudest to a crisis which surpasses our differences.   
     As a new person to the group, I think I have said enough for now.



I am an evangelical person also.  We think the
same way though I am from the Lutheran tradition.

The far right scares me, in that they seem to have forgotten the element of grace through
redemption.  I watch as so many of them are
forgetting that Christ calls us to follow him, be like him, set an example to the world, to be a
"light".  You are right that coersion makes automans, not true Christians.  

My concern is how can we get the word out, so to speak, of the dangers in this movement?  
I sometimes feel very helpless, and I want to
talk with others like me and you, to form a group,
that says "We are not like this".

The theocracy they envision will fall short of their
dreams because 1) all people are sinners and their system will be imperfect no matter what,
2) there won't be prisions - there will be the
death penalty for those who don't agree with them, so prisions aren't going to be the issue:
space for burial of bodies will be. 3) It may be a vision of paradise to them, but in reality it will
be a totalitarian, fascist government .  These people do not like our constitution.  They want to
abolish it.  When will they realize that the freedoms we have now  are what make our religions in this country flourish?  Religion, and
faith would die, not thrive, in their world.

Keep on thalking to your friends.  I also have to
thank the humanists on this site for sounding the
alarm.  I don't want to get into arguments either.
Rather, I would like to try to work together to save this country from what I believe is a disaster
in the making.

by LFlatau on Sat Aug 27, 2011 at 12:13:31 PM EST

Quite of few of us are people of faith or consider ouselves spiritual. I consider myself a Christian social justice activist, as I have since the late 1960s. It guides my work here and elsewhere.
_ _ _

Chip Berlet: Research for Progress - Building Human Rights
by Chip Berlet on Wed Aug 31, 2011 at 08:29:24 AM EST

Evangelical persons can be divided in two categories on this issue. One category can be with him and the other can be against him so now I can check custom dissertation writing to find out quality work. Whatever the result would be but i will say that abortion and homosexuality should not be allowed.

by PatriciaJones on Fri May 01, 2020 at 07:52:21 AM EST

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