Florida lieutenant governor: Christians are under attack
This sort of talk is par for the course in fundie circles. They claim that "the world" is persecuting them and mocking them--while ignoring that a lot of the things they do open them up for well-deserved ridicule. Watching this speech brought back memories of the dominionist group that I was suckered into joining back in my days at Carolina. There was endless talk about how everyone hated us because of "what we believe." They managed to say this with a straight face at the same time they were actively deceiving people about their true nature, since they knew full well that they'd be run off campus on a rail if it got out what they were really like.
Florida lieutenant governor: Christians are under attack | 2 comments (2 topical, 0 hidden)
Florida lieutenant governor: Christians are under attack | 2 comments (2 topical, 0 hidden)