Fundie anti-vaxxers expose religious right's moral bankruptcy
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Sun Sep 02, 2012 at 10:38:14 AM EST

cross-posted at dKos

Last week, I discovered that one of the leading religious right groups in California, the Campaign for Children and Families/, wanted to derail a bill that would abolish the "personal belief" exemption to the childhood vaccination requirement.'s action alert on this bill was chock-full of anti-vaxxer hoakum.  And apparently Pat Robertson found it important enough to have CBN News highlight it.

It isn't clear from this whether Robertson has joined the anti-vaxxer flock, or is just willing to give succor to any group willing to fight for "parental rights," no matter how loony they sound.  But one thing is clear beyond all doubt.  Those on the religious right who embrace anti-vaxxer hoakum have inadvertently exposed their movement's moral bankruptcy for all to see.

Think about it.  They wring their hands about gay marriage possibly destroying the fabric of our society, but they're perfectly OK with a practice that has been proven several times over to be a threat to public health.  They talk so much about the sanctity of human life, but appear to be deliberately ignorant about putting other people's children and those with weak immune systems in danger.

While the religious right's vocal support of "creation science" and "intelligent design" gets a lot of ink, the apparent embrace of anti-vaxxerism by some elements of it is much, much more dangerous.  While pushing for creationism to be taught in science classes is merely ignorant and stupid, not getting your kids vaccinated can actually get innocent people killed.  Somehow, we need to put our heads together and find out just how far this claptrap has spread--and if any religious right leaders actually subscribe to it, they need to be called out, loudly.

Vaccinatins have proven to be dangerous. At the very least they contain mercury/themerosol, as well as many other unsafe chemicals. It has been proven that vaccines cause autism (from mercury) and a host of other illnesses that our children are acquiring in ever-progressing numbers. The CDC is trying to vaccinate babies as young as one month old which is clearly an idiotic idea. Babies haven't formed their immune systems yet so they aren't able to form immunities to whatever disease they're being vaccinated against; meanwhile, it also harms their immune systems at that age. My husband worked many years as a virologist/microbiologist for the State Of Pennsylvania Dept of Health and knows this. He did everything he could to delay his daughter's vaccinations, because the doctor wanted to start them when she was one month old. She was about 3 when she got her first one and today she is official mentally impaired. My husband still wonders if it's from the vaccines she got when she was too young for them. If a baby drinks its mother's breast milk, he/she automatically has immunity because they get it from the mother's milk.

by wolvenwood on Thu Oct 11, 2012 at 06:33:08 PM EST
Mercury was removed from vaccines a decade ago. In Europe more than twice that long ago. Nothing changed. There is not a single credible study that shows vaccines cause the alleged cases of autism. There are only the manufactured anecdotes spread by the right-wing loons. Children are born with no immune system? That's one of the dumbest things I've heard since the last time pat robertson opened his mouth. What is real is the studies that show not vaccinating children is dangerous. It takes only a few not being vaccinated to cause an outbreak of some disease. Do you loons really want to go back to the days when polio was common and measles was a major killer of children? You anti-vaccine people need to get your information from a credible source. I've looked at the anti-vaccine websites. They have nothing but anecdotal evidence. Not a single scientific study supports such hogwash. Studies in Germany from when mercury was used and again ten years after its use was stopped show no difference in the incidence of autism. Sometimes things happen. Parents want to point at something or someone to blame. There just isn't anything to blame. Causing innocents to become sick and die because you believe the anti-vaccine hogwash is something to point your fingers at for blame.

by Bodine666 on Sun Oct 21, 2012 at 04:26:25 PM EST
that it isn't limited to the rightwingers. Alternet had an article about vaccinations this week, and tons of liberals were spouting the same stuff.

by phatkhat on Wed Oct 24, 2012 at 11:03:34 PM EST

The anti-vaccine crowd are at best guilty of fuzzy thinking and at worst guilty of murder.

No one claims that vaccines are completely safe.  Instead, the claim is that the risk of vaccinated is less than the risk of catching the disease while unvaccinated.  

Consider smallpox.  About one person in one thousand has a reaction to the vaccine.  About two people in one million die.  On the other hand, the death rate of smallpox victims is about thirty in one hundred --- thirty percent.  Vaccine was common when the disease was common.  Now the risk of infection is negligible so the vaccine is almost never used.  The rate of vaccination varied with the risk.

The irony is that anti-vaccination activists and their children benefit every day from the vaccinations they oppose.  Because most people are vaccinated the few who are not seldom come in contact with someone sick.  The unvaccinated few are surrounded by a "wall of vaccination" that protects them from contagion.  But the anti-vaccination activists are trying to tear the wall down.  If the vaccination rate drops too far, then unvaccinated people will come into contact with sick people, and the disease will spread through the entire unvaccinated population.  Polio, which is almost eradicated, again may become common, along with measles, rubella, diptheria, shingles, influenza, and others.

If people really oppose vaccinations, then let them put their children where their mouths are.  Let them sign a pledge that, in the event of an epidemic, such as might arise from SARS or bird flu, they will not seek vaccination for their families until all others have been vaccinated.  This will not only demonstrate adherence to principle, it will also allow those who didn't object to vaccination to have first call on the available vaccine.  Taking the pledge will be an act of shining principle, and we shall honor their memory for it.

by pcolsen on Sun Nov 18, 2012 at 11:12:56 PM EST

While the religious right's vocal support of "creation science" and "intelligent design" gets a lot of ink, the apparent embrace of anti-vaxxerism by some elements of it is much, much more dangerous. While pushing for creationism to be taught in science classes is buy YouTube Comments

by maldes on Tue Aug 06, 2013 at 05:41:57 AM EST

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by maldes on Tue Aug 06, 2013 at 12:01:05 PM EST

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